If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com
The Poetry Bar
by lunaiswriting4 Comments on There’s A Staunch In The Air
it’s hard to make room
for understanding
when the “right” position
is so deeply entrenched
in a firmly held belief
shocking the systems
of reasonable people
empathy takes a back seat
when the “right” position
is belligerently defended
fear of change
lack of compassion
rooted and shackled in tradition
all causing a blind following
of choosing the “right” position
… may they learn how to shift when necessary
Susi Bocks – writer/author/poet, has self-published two books – Feeling Human and Every Day I Pause. You can find her work at IWriteHer.com or follow her on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/MyHumanityInWrittenForm/, where she invites you to read her thoughts and get to know her. Bocks’ work has been published in the anthology 坚果加速器下载_坚果加速器安卓版下载_全方位下载:2021-6-14 · 坚果加速器是一款运行流畅、稳定、高智能的手机加速软件。为用户提供国际专线、高效率加速运行、自动伢化、一键游戏加速等功能。解决玩家在玩游戏的时候游戏延迟过高、登录困难、掉线、运行卡顿等问题。坚果加速器安卓版还随时为您提供移动设备的网络智能测速,定向测速,封堵检测 ... and in Scarlet Leaf Review, VitaBrevis, Spillwords, Literary Yard, as well as other literary magazines.
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com
The Poetry Bar
by lunaiswritingLeave a Comment on Grateful Aliveness
My name is Maria Teresa Pratico and I’m a divorced mother of two teenage boys. I’m a woman living with Complex PTSD and am in remission from dissociative episodes related to flashbacks from my past traumas. I have overcome an eating disorder stemming from my extensive background in many forms of dance. I was Broadway bound in my younger years. I have practiced yoga for twenty years now. My blog for WordPress is Emotional Musings and I started it in October 2018. I have three books of poetry available on Amazon called “Emotional Musings”,”My Soul’s Language” and “My Heart’s Song”. I’m an intuitive empath and I use that experience and my inquisitiveness to fuel my writing. I’m always interested in new ideas and information that can better our society and the human condition as a whole. . I’m a shamanic energy healer and practitioner. I strive to spread happiness, love, peace and light to all I may encounter.
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com
My life
by lunaiswriting4 Comments on Saturday talks
Hello everyone, hope you are having a great Saturday!
Since the last rant things have remained the same with this clogged ear of mine, I am still deaf but I am happy because yesterday I came home. I am finally in my apartment and in my room and I’ve missed it soooooo much.
I have been having some issues with my diet lately and I have been thinking about transitioning to a Mediterranean diet. It wouldn’t be so hard for me because it bases on fruits and veggies which I already eat an abundance off.
What else is neeeeew? Oh yeah, we are soon reaching 6k subscribes on this blog and I never thought this will happen. Like, we are closer to 10k than to 1k which we had a few months ago. I love how fast our little community is growing – not so little anymore to be honest!
This whole blog was a real step out of my comfort zone, especially since I made the vacation vlog and published it on Youtube. It’s the small things that count, you know. I am actually trying to come up with some video ideas when I already opened a Youtube channel.
I have been writing a new Coffee Date with Luna for the last week and a half. It’s just some of my thoughts about that disgusting piece of shit Epstein. As you can see, I hate him and I am sorry that he was killed before her could pay for what he has done and before he could open that filthy mouth on everyone else who was involved. Yes, this post escalated quickly and yes I do believe that he was killed. That wasn’t a suicide. Period.
The reason why it’s taking me so long to upload and finish that Coffee Date is because I have so much rage I have to censor and the post is right now 6 pages long and it’s too much. I am just all over the place when it comes to this topic.
As you can see, ranting too much in my posts is kind of my thing. The only thing short about me is my height and my poetry. I was actually thinking of posting shorter, concise posts here and maybe making videos on Patreon for those who want to listen to me talk. BTW, if you would be interested in this, let me know in the comments.
And I also have to come up with Youtube video ideas. If you have suggestions, use the comment section to let me know. I am also working on a poem. I am being very productive when it comes to my content creating and it makes me happy.
I am going to stop talking now and hit the shower. It is uncomfortably hot in Croatia. The type of hot when you are just doing nothing and you can feel sweat running down your back. That type of uncomfortably hot.
I am really gone now.
Sending love and positive vibes,
The Poetry Bar
by 坚果加速器怎么样Leave a Comment on A Town That’s Haggard
Absence of shaded rosy liquid holders
Deafening shrieks
The inability to be in one setting
The difficulty
The edge is where all of the functions are kept
The glasses of so many hours are 9 ft tall- they have faces- some happy, some angry
Simpler times
Never knowing what will be received
Framing in- blocked behind
Portable cubicles
Here- in smaller form
In need of the uprising
Going away
No longer clutching to a whim that’s locked away
The game of guessing needs a new member.
My name is Kay….otherwordly, spacey-type things inspire me….
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail 安卓坚果加速器
The Poetry Bar
by lunaiswriting1 Comment坚果加速器吧
My name is Maria Teresa Pratico and I’m a divorced mother of two teenage boys. I’m a woman living with Complex PTSD and am in remission from dissociative episodes related to flashbacks from my past traumas. I have overcome an eating disorder stemming from my extensive background in many forms of dance. I was Broadway bound in my younger years. I have practiced yoga for twenty years now. My blog for WordPress is Emotional Musings and I started it in October 2018. I have three books of poetry available on Amazon called “Emotional Musings”,”My Soul’s Language” and “My Heart’s Song”. I’m an intuitive empath and I use that experience and my inquisitiveness to fuel my writing. I’m always interested in new ideas and information that can better our society and the human condition as a whole. . I’m a shamanic energy healer and practitioner. I strive to spread happiness, love, peace and light to all I may encounter.
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com
The Poetry Bar
by lunaiswriting2 Comments on Void
How do I know if you’re the one for me
If all I do is second guess everything around me
How do I know how to love
If I have yet to figure out how to love myself
Unrecognizing the internal suffering I’ve endured
How can I help fix your shattered pieces
If I can’t even reassemble my own
Drowning in the waters of melancholy
All of these questions fill the void space within me
Hunting for the hidden path to the unknown answers
Tears racing down my cheeks
No matter how far I push you away
Putting a force field in between us
There you are, wiping them away
Lifting me up as I crash to my knees
Flashing your ravishing smile just for the hope to see mine
Am I incurable
Or am I just undeserving of your love
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com
The Poetry Bar
by lunaiswritingLeave a Comment on How Far Will It Go
The blissful light rising from east,
And the chirping sounds that wake us up.
Freshness, excitement and charms,
From the new light for the dawn.
The blueish heaven and white cumulus,
Sire of art with everlasting miracles.
The flock of birds hovering above,
The magical mystery life.
The verdure of spring,
Green! Green! Green!
The eye-melting view,
A joy to behold.
The shower from heaven,
Blessings, pitter-patter and petrichor.
The snows from the sky,
The magic man and kids.
The blissful light setting in the west,
And the end of daylight with mystic beauty.
Going deep down into the ocean,
Fading away with majestic scenery.
How far will it go,
I wondered and wondered.
Living on moments and exploring,
Struggling to get ahead and see the light.
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com
The Poetry Bar
by lunaiswriting1 Comment on Discarded
beauty means nothing
to those who would use us
satisfaction for their senses
is what they take from us
all used up
then hastily disregarded
not the first time
nor will it be the last
abusers know no different
victims of having been easily trashed too
Susi Bocks – writer/author/poet, has self-published two books – Feeling Human and Every Day I Pause. You can find her work at IWriteHer.com or follow her on Facebook 【百度浏览器下载 官方版】百度浏览器 8.7-ZOL软件下载:2021-3-27 · 百度浏览器是一款简洁轻快、智能懂你的浏览器,它的使命是让人伞更流畅的上网、更愉悦的在线生活。通过百度的开放整合和精准识别,百度浏览器可伡一键触达海量伢质的服务和资源,音乐、阅读、视频、游戏等。百度浏览器可伡带您进入美好互联网世界。, where she invites you to read her thoughts and get to know her. Bocks’ work has been published in the anthology SMITTEN: This Is What Love Looks Like: Poetry by Women for Women and inlonlife珑凌/玲珑网游加速器-最稳定的游戏加速器【官方网站】:2021-6-4 · 玲珑加速器-最稳定的游戏加速器! 使用国际高速线路,支持加速各种游戏. 超稳定,低延迟,0丢包,畅玩全球游戏! 十年老牌加速器,千万游戏玩家的首选,注册免费试用!, as well as other literary magazines.
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com
The Poetry Bar
This is bliss
by lunaiswritingLeave a Comment on This is bliss
My name is Maria Teresa Pratico and I’m a divorced mother of two teenage boys. I’m a woman living with Complex PTSD and am in remission from dissociative episodes related to flashbacks from my past traumas. I have overcome an eating disorder stemming from my extensive background in many forms of dance. I was Broadway bound in my younger years. I have practiced yoga for twenty years now. My blog for WordPress is Emotional Musings and I started it in October 2018. I have three books of poetry available on Amazon called “Emotional Musings”,”My Soul’s Language” and “My Heart’s Song”. I’m an intuitive empath and I use that experience and my inquisitiveness to fuel my writing. I’m always interested in new ideas and information that can better our society and the human condition as a whole. . I’m a shamanic energy healer and practitioner. I strive to spread happiness, love, peace and light to all I may encounter.
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com